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a wonderful wednesday whirlwind


{This was originally written on Wednesday, but I didn't have time to post it.}

The days are slowly, but surely, getting longer and warmer here. It's just beautiful. I think everybody is happy that the long winter is over. Even the teachers want us to go out and enjoy this lovely weather. Let's just say that the only math that was done in our class today, was a friend and I counting the airplanes that flew above us, while we lay on the grass, telling stories and laughing. Hurray for teachers who believe in a little free time every now and then!

Coming home to fresh watermelon and rollkuchen, was definitely one of the best parts of my day. I have my Nana to thank for that.

After devouring my delicious snack, I sat myself down at our crafting table. Twenty minutes and one very messy craft table later, I finished up a card for my friend's birthday party, which just happened to be in an hour!

The very best part about this party, was that the birthday girl knew nothing of it. Yes, a surprise party. Her face when she walked into her own backyard and saw all of us? Priceless.

Birthday girl {right} and a good friend {left}. Beautiful.
The party proved that you're never too old for things like egg races, or jumping on the trampoline. A wonderful time was had by all.

Happy birthday, lovely! Thank-you for making me laugh every single day. 



  1. Lovely! The part sounds fun & the food looks delicious. :)

  2. Your teacher sounds pretty awesome to let you do that, haha! :) I absolutely love the picture of the watermelon. The surprise party sounded very fun :)

  3. aww this is such a sweet post! I love summer so much!
    That watermelon looks super yummy. I need to remember to buy one the next time I'm at the store.
    And yay for surprise parties! love them! xx
